Massage Therapy
Integrative Massage
Based on the idea that massage is not "one size fits all", this therapy combines mainstream and alternate modalities through which individual issues can be targeted, producing optimal results. Integrative Massage utilizes personalized combinations of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofacial Release, Manual Resistance Technique, Hydrotherapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Active and Passive Stretching, Sports Massage and Reflexology.
Learn More about Integrative Massage
30 Min: $45 | 60 Min: $80 | 90 Min: $115 - (CBD add-on $20)
Deep Tissue/Cupping
Cupping creates suction and vacuum pressure that is used to soften tight muscles and tone attachments, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue. This modality also increases hydration and blood flow to body tissues, brings deep inflammation to surface for release, and drains excess fluids and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways.
30 Min: $45 | 60 Min: $80 | 90 Min: $115 - (CBD add-on $20)
Swedish Massage
A relaxation style incorporating long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. Beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation & flexibility while easing tension.
30 Min: $45 | 60 Min: $80 | 90 Min: $115 - (CBD add-on $20)
Stress Buster
Focuses on the head, neck, face and shoulders to relieve stress caused by headache and muscle tension, and more. Includes peppermint essential oil therapy.
30 Min: $45 - (CBD add-on $20)